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Google Maps scraper.

Extract location details from Google Maps search results to get business leads, phone numbers, addresses.

Put in your query like "Pharmacy near Seattle, WA, USA" and get the list of results in a spreadsheet or JSON format.

Embed Google maps scraper API, right in your application.

google maps scraper

Extract search results from Google Maps.

Code generator for Google Maps scraper API.

Specify parameters to generate a "ready-to-run" code for your preferred language

 Copy the snippet and give it a go! 
Parameter Description
api_key API Key is used to authenticate with the API - You can find it in your
Account Dashboard
Search for places Specify the query to search in Google Maps. Examples: "beer pub Bratislava, Slovakia", "Bike shops in Amsterdam, Netherlands", etc.
Note: To get the best results, include country value to the search box.
Proxy Select country to locate proxy to pass requests through to target web sites.
Number of Pages Specify number of Google Maps pages to crawl.
Format Select format of output data.

How to get information about a particular establishment
or points of interest from Google Maps?
Just follow these 3 easy steps.

How to extract data from google maps? Video Tutorial.

Why use our data extrator?

For B2B leads, Google Maps is the best source of contact information. Our web scraper is the fastest way to extract valuable leads from businesses' info.

Scraping search results from Google Maps is difficult. That deals with managing proxy servers and parsing of the continually changing markup of the search results.

Another challenge is to fetch new content several times within one session whenever the next page button > clicked.

Just specify a search query in the edit box and we will collect the leads data for you. Or generate a code for your preferred language, then send requests to Google Maps API directly.

We offer the infrastructure to process any number of requests to Google Maps API and return results in the most popular formats like JSON(Lines), CSV, Excel.

How Dataflow Kit Google Maps scraper works.

For using our web scraper, you do not need to download any software or tools.

Google Maps Crawling API opens the in the same way as a real browser would do it. Then scraper enters the search query to the input and starts rendering a results page.

It extracts 20 search results from the current page and clicks the next page button > until it reaches the final page or "Number of pages."

This web scraper can extract the following fields:

  1. Business Name
  2. Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Website
  5. Rating
  6. Reviews

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We would love to hear from you!

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