screenshot Google chrome web screenshots capture VS Dataflow Kit cloud screenshots API capture with actions. We will compare here chrome's built-in screenshot capture tool and Dataflow Kit cloud Screenshot API. Google Screenshot maker is good but not enough. Dataflow Kit API uses Headless Chrome to capture screenshots, it has actions that interact with web pages when they are captured.
cookies How to scrape website that requires login? Follow instructions described in this article to pass HTTP cookies from a web browser to a web scraper.
PHP Beginner’s guide to Web Scraping with PHP. This guide describes the way to scrape web pages with PHP. Generate PHP script to access Dataflow Kit API.
Getting Started Dataflow Kit Reloaded. We are so excited to introduce a new, completely re-implemented Dataflow Kit. In particular, we supplement our legacy custom web scraper with more focused and more understandable web services for our users.